Thank You!
Thank you for endorsing our campaign. All of the entities below support the Calm initiative! We appreciate all that you have done!

NGO SUSTAINABILITY connects the United Nations, civil society, the private sector, and you in promoting global sustainability!

EARTHPLACE located in Westport, Connecticut, is a nature discovery center and non-profit environmental education organization. They provide various programs for children, students, and families aimed at fostering a sense of environmental responsibility. Visitors can immerse themselves in the beauty of their natural surroundings with Earthplace’s nature trails and extensive learning center.
ASPETUCK LAND TRUST has worked tirelessly since 1966 to safeguard the open spaces, forests, and wildlife habitats in the towns of Easton, Weston, Fairfield, Westport, Monroe, and Bridgeport, ensuring that the natural heritage of the region remains intact for many more generations.

QUIET YARDS GREENWICH encourages the use of electric leaf blowers rather than gas blowers, which are linked to several environmental and health concerns. Their goal is to limit leaf blower usage to help maintain a cleaner environment.
THE NATIONAL RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION is a non-profit that works hard to support, train, and endorse water and wastewater professionals in smaller communities. By doing this they ensure the safety of these communities access to water and their treatment of waste, both of these are a key aspect when it comes to the health of these citizens and the environment.

NRWA is a nonprofit membership organization that accomplishes its mission by engaging community volunteers to help restore native trees, shrubs, wildflowers and grasses to the riverbanks, meadows, parks, and forests of the watershed; working to expand community access to the river, the surrounding open space, and its trails; supporting research and legislative policy that protects biodiversity, clean air, and water; and promoting education, cooperation, and action on the part of the stakeholders in the seven watershed towns in CT
POLLINATOR PATHWAY are projects that are organized by volunteers from town conservation organizations working together to establish pollinator-friendly habitat and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinating insects and wildlife along a series of continuous corridors.

RACE is a group of community members in Ridgefield, CT, committed to enhancing the cleanliness and environmental well-being of their town. The group focuses on various areas of environmental improvement, including waste management, conservation of natural resources, and energy-saving practices.